Rendering of the Driftwood LNG project (Image courtesy of Tellurian)
Tellurian, the US LNG player formed through the merger between Magellan Petroleum and Tellurian Investment, has filed a formal application with FERC for the 26 mtpa export plant near Lake Charles, Louisiana.
According to Tellurian’s statement, the company’s two units Driftwood LNG and Driftwood Pipeline have completed the pre-filing phase and submitted a formal application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to construct and operate an LNG export facility and a 96-mile pipeline connecting the facility to interstate pipelines.
Tellurian expects to begin construction of the Driftwood LNG project in 2018 and produce first LNG in 2022, with full operations beginning in 2025.
Tellurian expects that engineering, procurement, and construction costs will be approximately $13 to $16 billion for the Driftwood LNG export facility and expects to make a final investment decision to begin construction following regulatory approval in mid-2018.
Source: LNG World News