Coral Methane (Image courtesy of Anthony Veder)
The Hague-based LNG giant Shell and Dutch shipping company Anthony Veder have signed a contract to modify the liquefied natural gas carrier Coral Methane into an LNG bunker vessel.
The modification marks the first of its kind and will entail integration of specific LNG bunker equipment into the vessel, Anthony Veder said in a statement.
The 7,500 cbm vessel currently operates as a multipurpose vessel for Shell.
Modifications on the Coral Methane, the vessel will cover LNG bunkering demands across Europe, operating primarily in the southern part of the North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, are due to start in early 2018.
Shell is continuing its development of LNG-fueled vessels and ships, and the supporting infrastructure and adds the agreement with Veder to the list of deals signed globally.
The latest in the line of LNG bunkering agreements was the long-term charter deal with Q-LNG Transport for a 4,000-cbm liquefied natural gas bunker barge to be based in the United States and supply LNG to marine customers along the southern East Coast of the US and support growing cruise line demand for LNG marine fuel.
LNG World News Staff
Source: LNG World News