Image courtesy of DNV GL
Partners in the PERFECt joint industry project ABB, OMT, GTT, Caterpillar’s Solar Turbines, CMA CGM, its subsidiary CMA Ships, and DNV GL have proven the technical and economic feasibility during the second phase of development.
The PERFECt JIP examined the potential of developing an electric-driven 20,000 TEU ultra large container vessel (ULCV) with an LNG-fuelled combined cycle gas and steam turbine (COGES) electric power plant.
Phase II of the project looked to validate the phase I results and develop the concept to a “ready to order” stage.
Gerd Würsig, business director for LNG-fuelled ships at DNV GL – Maritime said the in the second stage of the project partners achieved their objectives and “have a validated design concept with enough technical detail to develop a business case.”
Propelling the ship with electrical motors enabled the power generation and propulsion systems to be placed in separate sections of the ship. And with the COGES system providing power for both propulsion and auxiliary systems, an engine room was not needed anymore, DNV GL said.
Without the engine room, the power plant, together with the integrated LNG tanks, could be moved below the deckhouse, freeing up space for more container slots.
Julien Bec, GTT, vice-president of LNG as fuel directorate added that the “existing technologies can be adopted to make PERFECt II a reality.”
Source: LNG World News