Image courtesy of Gasfin
Liquimet, an Italian unit of Gasfin Group has opened the first natural gas only refueling station for LNG and CNG-fueled heavy-duty vehicles in Italy.
The station at the Interporto di Padova is the first to be opened under the GAINN-IT national initiative aimed at developing the LNG infrastructure in Italy, Gasfin said in its statement.
Under the initiative, each port which is part of the network will include, in 2030 at the latest, an LNG receiving system and related ancillaries, LNG storage and local distribution system and related ancillaries, LNG ship refueling system and related ancillaries, LNG vehicles (non-ships) bunkering system and related ancillaries.
The project also aims to test two of the three Italian LNG grids (the Thyrrenic-Ligurian and the Adriatic-Ionic) including the ports of Genoa, La Spezia and Livorno, Ravenna and Venice.
The initiative is part of the European Union’s TEN-T network project worth a total of €1.27 billion (US$1.38 billion).
LNG World News Staff
Source: LNG World News