
HR Wallingford delivers Prelude FLNG tow simulation

UK-based civil engineering and environmental hydraulics organisation, HR Wallingford, created a navigation simulation of Shell’s Prelude FLNG. 
The simulation was used to prepare the tow masters, tug masters and pilots, allowing them to familiarise themselves with a realistic simulation of Prelude manoeuvres at sea.
On July 25, Prelude FLNG arrived at its location, the Prelude field, 475 km North-North East of Broome, Australia.
HR Wallingford’s scope of work included the real time navigation simulation for the facility’s departure from the Geoje Shipyard in Korea, along the Busan Channel as well as the positioning and mooring of the Prelude FLNG once on site.
It also included conducting berthing and departure simulations of the LNG, LPG and condensate offtake tankers that will moor alongside the FLNG and providing ongoing pilot and tug master training.
Up to six integrated simulators at the Australia Ship Simulation Centre were used to simulate the FLNG facility and the tugs for the shipyard departure operation, and for the positioning during connection of the FLNG’s mooring lines, once at its installation site.
Actual wind, wave and tidal conditions were recorded, and then modelled, which meant that the crew were able to accurately test the capability and power of the tugs in advance., HR Wallingord said.
The Prelude FLNG facility will produce 3.6 million tons per annum (mtpa) of LNG, 1.3 mtpa of condensate and 0.4 mtpa of LPG.
The project will be operated by Shell in a joint venture with Inpex (17.5 percent), Kogas (10 percent) and OPIC (5 percent).
Source: LNG World News