Image courtesy of Bechtel
The three liquefaction plants located on Curtis Island off Gladstone shipped a total of 24 cargoes during March 2017.
In total, Shell’s Queensland Curtis LNG project that began exporting in January 2015, and Santos GLNG and the ConocoPhillips-operated Australia Pacific LNG project that commenced exports in September 2015 and January 2016, respectively, exported 1.59 million tons of LNG during the month.
According to the data released by the Gladstone Ports Corporation, 684,997 tons of LNG landed in China.
The cargoes were exported to three other destinations with 432,155 tons ending up in South Korea, 268,344 tons in Japan and 200,189 in Singapore.
For the financial year 2017, the three LNG plants exported a total of 14.37 million tons. The majority of LNG volumes from the three Gladstone plants were delivered to China (6.64 million tons), South Korea (3.37 million tons), Japan (2.12 million tons) and Singapore (1.39 million tons).
Cargoes were also delivered to India, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Mexico and the United Arab Emirates.
LNG World News Staff
Source: LNG World News