NGVA Europe said liquefied natural gas (LNG) as fuel for passenger cars as well as light and heavy-duty vehicles brings significant benefits and cuts GHG emissions.
The natural & bio gas vehicle association, in cooperation with industry partners, commissioned thinkstep, to perform an industry-wide analysis of the supply and use of natural gas in Europe, not only with regard to road vehicles but also including maritime vessels and power generation.
Concerning LNG in use as fuel for road vehicles, the study results show emissions of 19.9 g CO2 equivalent/MJ, in line with the results of a JEC study.
“The analysis carried out considering the different LNG sources has also indicated a wide variability of data due to different ages and technologies used in the plants,” NGVA said.
In addition, the study notes that best practices already exist and, concerning LNG, there is a concrete capability to reduce the average value from 19.9 g CO2-eq/MJ down to 16.8 g CO2-eq/MJ. This could be achieved by phasing out the older liquefaction plants and technologies as in Algeria.
For passenger cars, on a Well-to-Wheel basis, natural gas reduces GHG emissions by 23 percent compared with petrol and by 7 percent compared with diesel.
In heavy-duty applications, benefits compared to diesel amount to 16 percent for CNG up to 15 percent for LNG.
In maritime applications, the use of LNG provides an overall Well-to-Wake benefit up to 21 percent compared with conventional HFO (Heavy-Fuel Oil) fuels, the study shows.
The results have been calculated taking into account all possible GHG sources, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide along the entire value chain.
To further reduce GHG emissions NGVA Europe’s members have committed to designing LNG and CNG stations in such way that methane emissions from venting operations are minimized at all times during operation.
Source: LNG World News