
Japan: power companies LNG use down in Feb on month

Japan: power companies LNG use down in Feb on month

Image courtesy of Tokyo Electric

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) use by Japan’s power companies dropped 7.7 percent in February when compared to the previous month.
The power companies consumed 5.07 million mt of LNG in February, as compared to 5.49 million mt in January, the preliminary data from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry showed.
January LNG purchases by the power companies were at 5.37 million mt, up 0.6 percent as compared to 5.40 million mt in January.
Japan’s ten independent regional electric power companies stopped publishing power output and demand numbers in April last year to ensure fair competition after the liberalisation of the retail power market.
Currently, METI’s data is the only official data available on the monthly power statistics. The ministry surveys hundreds of companies that are in the power business.
LNG World News Staff
Source: LNG World News