
EWC moving ahead with LNG projects

EWC moving ahead with LNG projects

Sengkang LNG project

Energy World Corporation has made progress on both LNG projects it is developing in the Philippines and Indonesia.
The Sengkang LNG project in Indonesia is well advanced with key equipment, including four cold-boxes, compressors and ancillary equipment already installed on site, the company said in its latest report.
The LNG storage tank has been full slipformed and is now subject to fit out. Jetty works have been finalized and loading arms have been installed. The interconnecting pipework and the installation of the control and instrumentation systems are being completed.
As EWC informed earlier, the project will be brought into commercial operation in 500,000 tons per annum (TPA) phases once the LNG offtake discussions with PLN are concluded. The Indonesia’s utility is looking to secure the supplies for power operation in eastern part of the country.
SKK Migas has already confirmed the allocation of gas from the company’s Wasambo fields for these developments.
Pagbilao LNG storage tank
The LNG hub EWC is developing in the Philippines as well as the associated works are also in advanced stages. The LNG storage tank walls are complete and construction of the dome top roof has been completed. Jetty works with rock armoring and the various installation necessary including emergency quick release hooks and fenders have been completed.
Site Buildings and supporting infrastructure are in advanced stages of construction. Stainless steel pipeline from the jetty to the LNG tank has been laid. The membrane lining for the tank has been delivered to site and the site formation for the second 130,000-cbm storage tank is underway.
When completed in June 2018, the LNG hub will provide regasified LNG to the power plant being built adjacent to the LNG project. In the interim, the LNG will be provided from the LNG carrier Ocean Quest with the capacity to transport 128,000 cubic meters of liquefied natural gas.
The LNG-fired power plant project in Pagbilao is also in the advanced stages of construction, EWC said in its annual report. The two 200 MW gas turbines have been placed onto their permanent foundations and erection of auxiliary equipment is now in place.
Works are ongoing to bring the turbines into commercial operation as soon as possible after the financial close of the project, with the first unit expected to be brought online in March 2018 and the second unit within the following four months, subject to capacity availability on the transmission systems.
Source: LNG World News